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Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series) Page 4

  “It’s beautiful . . .” Cara said in awe.

  “I thought you’d like it,” Raven said, smiling. “I’m sorry to rush you, but we need to head back so we aren’t late for dinner.”

  They reluctantly turned their horses around. As Cara went around a bend in the trail, she heard a strange rattling sound. Wind Dancer started lifting her front feet and snorting, while shaking her head. Raven shouted something. But Cara was too busy trying to hang on as the horse reared up into the air. The horse came down hard, then reared again. Cara lost her hold and started to fall. Afraid that her leg would be caught in the stirrups, she kicked out her legs and fell to the ground. There was a loud pop, as she tried to stop her fall by reaching out with her arms. Pain wracked her body when her arms collapsed and she hit the ground hard. Tears came to her eyes almost immediately and ran down her face, as she lay there too stunned to move except to spit dust from her mouth.

  Raven was at her side in an instant. “Cara honey, are you all right?”

  “My arm, Raven, it hurts so badly.”

  Cara looked like a broken doll, her arm twisted in a strange direction. Quiet Thunder we are in trouble, Cara is injured. We are on the mountain trail near the first curve, Raven sent using his telepathy. Quiet Thunder appeared in seconds. He grabbed the reins of the horses and inspected Wind Dancer for damage.

  “Forget the horse! We’ve got to get Cara to the clinic!” Raven said

  “We are all one, Raven. Her arm is going to hurt when you move her, and going into Shadow with its cold will hurt her, as well. Splint her arm as best you can and take her to Rick. Tell him to set it. I’ll follow you as soon as I care for the horses.”

  Raven’s heart raced. Cara’s pain washed over him, filling his mind. He wanted to yell and rage at it. He pushed it aside, needing to get her to the doctor. He grabbed a piece of scrub pine that was lying on the ground and removed his belt. Then, he wrapped the belt around Cara’s arm and the wood. It wasn’t much, but it would do until he could warp her through Shadow to the clinic.

  “I’m sorry, Cara, but this is going to hurt, baby,” Raven said as he went to lift her in his arms. “Hang on and we’ll get you fixed up.” What was wrong with him? He had seen worse things than a broken arm in his military years. Why was he so shaken?

  Raven sent a telepathic call to Dr. Frederick “Rick” White Fox. Rick, I’m coming in with my mate. Her arm is broken. Be ready.

  Raven pictured the lab and treatment rooms at Isanti, Inc. They kept the waiting room dark for this purpose. As soon as Raven could visualize it clearly, he walked through the shadow the mountain afforded, into the Shadow Dimension, and out in the waiting room at Isanti, Inc.

  “Bring her in here, Raven,” Dr. Rick said from down the hall.

  Raven winced when he noticed that Cara’s shirt and boots were now missing. Luckily, it appeared her bra was made of cotton, as were her pants. The other items must have been synthetics, because they disintegrated in the Shadow Dimension.

  “Raven?” Cara asked, trembling from shock and the cold of Shadow. Tears still leaked from her eyes as her breath shuddered.

  “Hang on, baby,” Raven said, walking down the hall and laying her on the hospital bed.

  “Miss Hamilton, I’m not sure you remember me. We met at the awards dinner. I’m Dr. Rick White Fox. Just call me Dr. Rick. Now what exactly happened?”

  Raven reached over and drew a sheet across Cara’s body, while he told how she had been thrown from the horse. Rick might be a doctor, but Cara wouldn’t like being exposed. Raven held her hand on the uninjured arm. He needed to touch her, to feel her with him.

  Rick called for a technician to bring in a portable x-ray machine. Forcing Raven to give up his position at Cara’s side, Rick checked her pupils and took her pulse and blood pressure. Raven gritted his teeth, the need to hold Cara was a compulsion. The technician hurried in and took an x-ray of the injured arm. Rick gave Cara a shot of pain medicine while they waited for the results. Raven moved back to her side and feathered a kiss to her temple. Reaching for her hand, he poured reassurance into her mind with his telepathy.

  “Quiet Thunder said he was going to come in,” Raven said. “I think he intends to heal her.”

  “Really? That always takes such a lot out of him. I can set the bone and put her in a cast. It’ll be six weeks of healing time, though.”

  “He said to set it and wait for him,” Raven insisted.

  Thank goodness, Cara seemed to be drifting from the medicine. Except for her tight grip on his hand, she wasn’t responding much. Her tears had stopped. Raven wished he could wash the dirt and grime from her face. His heart still thudded painfully in his chest from the fear of watching her fall. He could have lost her today. She could have broken more than her arm, or fallen from the side of the mountain. Thinking about it, he shuddered.

  “I’m right here, Raven,” Cara whispered to him as she gave his hand a squeeze.

  “I know, baby. You scared the hell out of me.”

  “Well, the good news is you don’t need surgery to set the bone,” Dr. Rick said, after looking at the x-ray. “The bad news is we’re going to have to immobilize your whole arm.”

  Cara moaned. How was she going to get through the rest of the school year with her whole arm in a cast? How did they get here anyway? She hurt so badly. She remembered Raven picking her up, but did she faint?

  They had gone into the dark, and she had felt a cold so sharp it took her breath away. The cold sunk into her very bones till she ached with it. Then, they were here. She must have passed out. But what happened to her shirt? She didn’t remember the doctor taking it off and where were her boots? Why did her left breast burn? Did she cut it when she fell? Thank goodness, Raven was here to look out for her. She must be drugged up pretty good to forget so much. Raven leaned down and kissed her hair.

  “Just rest, baby. We’ll get things fixed up for you.”

  Cara picked up Raven’s thoughts, but that often happened when she touched someone. Now they were clearer, and it wasn’t one fleeting thought or memory. She and Raven seemed connected somehow. When she could think about what was happening, she knew he felt the pain in her arm, while she felt his fear for her well being. But she was confused from the pain medication. Forcing herself to think became an exercise in futility.

  “Sleep, Little Mother,” Quiet Thunder said. “Did you set the bone, Rick? Raven, light the sage. I want to get your mate healed so you can come back to the ranch. I need to talk to you about some things.”

  Cara drifted. She heard a drum beat, felt the vibration deep in her heart. The smell of sage filled the air. A voice, aged and rich, chanted . . .

  Chapter Four

  Cara woke slowly. She looked up at the ceiling and realized she was no longer at the clinic, but lying in a regular bed. Raven’s arm was draped across her. His tanned skin contrasted with her white flesh. She glanced up at his sleeping face. What happened? What time was it?

  She sat up in bed. A small clock on the bedside table let her know it was early the next day. It was then she realized her arm didn’t hurt and it wasn’t in a cast. What was going on here? She reached over to feel where the break should have been. But nothing appeared to be wrong. Not even a bruise marred her skin.

  She was still dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday, minus her shirt and boots. Shaking her head in confusion, she got out of the bed and grabbed the robe lying at the foot. Slipping it on, she tiptoed out of the room. She looked around the hallway. This was Quiet Thunder’s ranch house. But how did she get back here? Did she fall off the horse and hit her head? She should have a broken arm. Dr. Rick said it needed to be immobilized. But she felt fine.

  Making her way down the stairs, she headed for the kitchen and the smell of hot coffee. Maybe things would make more sense after she had a cup. She walked into the kitchen and saw a blond-haired woman standing at the sink. The woman was wearing a black-leather trench coat and black high-heeled boots. Her long blond
hair was caught up in a ponytail that flowed down her back. The woman turned and smiled at her.

  “You must be Cara. Hi, I’m Tatiana, Ana for short. I’m Gwen’s sister,” the woman said as she poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Cara. “Do you like it with cream and sugar?”

  “Yes, please,” Cara answered. “You don’t look like Gwen.”

  “We’re adopted. Didn’t you know? Quiet Thunder adopted us after our parents died. Members of the Nuni Nagi tribe have a tendency to die soon after their mates.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry,” Cara answered.

  “No, it’s okay. Quiet Thunder is the tribe’s shaman. He looks after the orphans of the tribe. Gwen and Lindy have been with him longer than I have. But they claim me as their sister just the same. When you marry Raven, you will be our sister too.”

  “Raven hasn’t asked me to marry him,” Cara said, blushing.

  “Don’t worry, he will. Gwen said he’s crazy about you. You are connected to him, heart to heart and soul to soul. You have to marry him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I told you, you are connected. You are his true mate. Raven is the first of this generation to find his. You’ve given us all a great gift. We have hope. Now we know we can find our mates.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You aren’t a morning person, are you? Don’t worry about it for now. Raven will fill you in, I’m sure. Just know that you are part of our family, a member of our tribe. I’m glad we got to meet. I have to head out to join my Seal team. I work for the State Department. But I promise to come back for the wedding. The whole tribe will want to be there.”

  Tatiana smiled at Cara and walked out of the kitchen. Cara followed her and saw her reach down to pick up a duffle bag and briefcase.

  “Take care, and welcome to the family.”

  As Tatiana headed out the door, Cara gave a quick wave. She felt more confused than ever. Going back into the kitchen, she refilled her cup and fixed a cup for Raven. She needed some answers and knew right where to get them.

  Raven smelled the delectable scent of coffee in the air as he opened his eyes. Cara sat in a chair across from the bed studying him. A mug of the warm drink sat on the table next to the bed.

  “Hi,” he said lazily, giving her a smile. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he sat up in bed and reached for the cup of coffee.

  “Remarkably good, considering I fell from a horse and broke my arm,” Cara said. “How is it I am completely fine? I did break my arm, didn’t I?”

  “Quiet Thunder used his gift of healing and fixed you right up. You were asleep from the pain medication Dr. Rick gave you.”

  “You’re saying Quiet Thunder healed my broken arm?”

  “As good as new. You didn’t want to be in a cast for six weeks did you?” Raven asked perplexed.

  “Raven, people do not go around healing other people’s injuries. That would take a miracle.”

  “Many of the Native tribes have healers. You can find energy healers in almost every city in America. The ability to heal has always been a gift available to us. Come sit by me and touch me. You will know the truth of my words.”

  “You know about my ability? That I know things about people when I touch them?”

  “Did you plan to keep it a secret?” Raven asked. “We are now connected, heart to heart, soul to soul. I can read your mind and send you my thoughts. Soon, you will be able to do the same. Come here, baby. Let me hold you while I try to explain things.”

  Raven waited with bated breath. Would Cara trust him enough to come to him? He couldn’t lose her now. He smiled in encouragement when she slowly put down her coffee cup and came over to his side of the bed. He patted a place next to him for her to sit. Once she sat down, he draped his arm around her and pulled her back against his chest.

  “I love how you smell,” Raven said, nuzzling her hair and kissing her temple. “My tribe has special gifts,” he began. It probably was better just to tell Cara everything. “We have the ability to talk telepathically. Our tribe members believe that when we find a mate, our souls will recognize each other and a link will form. I will be able to speak to you telepathically as you will to me. The members of my tribe also have the ability to walk into Shadow.”


  “Shadow is a dimension that lies next to Earth. We use a shadow as a gateway into the next dimension. Once there, we can see and hear what is going on here on Earth from the other side. But we can’t physically manipulate things on Earth. We are in a different space. We work for the government, helping our military gather information.”

  “You mean you’re a spy?” Cara asked.

  “We like to call ourselves intelligence gatherers. But actually we are semi-retired, only occasionally taking a mission if the need is dire. I took you through Shadow to our clinic at Isanti, Inc., headquarters in New Mexico. Do you remember the cold? That was Shadow.”

  “So, you can travel through this dimension?”

  “If we have visited a place before, we can visualize it in our head and warp through Shadow to that destination.”

  “Okay, what does all this have to do with me?”

  “Well, you’re mine, Cara,” Raven said. “I knew you were the one from the moment our eyes met across the room at the awards dinner. I fell so hard for you, so fast, it left my head spinning. But I wanted to give you a chance to get to know me. Once the bond is complete, there is no going back. You told Quiet Thunder you loved me. Are you sure?”

  Cara sat quietly for a minute. Was she sure? She knew yesterday she loved Raven. Biting her lower lip, she wondered if knowing about his tribe’s special gifts really changed anything. Didn’t she have special gifts? Had she expected Raven to turn away from her when he found out?

  “Yes, Raven,” she answered. “I’m sure.”

  “Thank you, Great Spirit!” Raven said as he buried his face in her hair. He shuddered in relief as he turned her to face him.

  He took her mouth with his own, licking at her lips, tugging and nipping, until she opened for his tongue. He dove in, tasting and claiming. This woman was his, the one meant for him, a gift from the Great Spirit. She moaned and moved closer. He reached beneath the robe she wore to find her breast and the white cotton lace of her bra. She gasped and jerked against him.

  “Ouch, that hurt,” Cara complained.

  Raven pushed the material aside. A small heart-shaped symbol was burned into Cara’s skin.

  “I didn’t know Shadow would mark you as well,” Raven said in awe.

  He kneaded her nipple, being careful not to touch the tender spot on her left breast. He pressed kisses down her neck, to her chest, and finally to the rosy pebble waiting to be tasted.

  “Raven,” Cara said, trying to understand how a heart-shaped mark appeared on her breast. But his mouth felt so good. He sucked and licked her nipple. Cara cried out and arched closer, giving him better access. Her hands stroked through his hair until she held him to her.

  Raven reached over to the other side and fondled and caressed her neglected nipple with his hand as he continued to suck the first. Cara trembled at his touch, and he reveled in her response. She was so beautiful in her passion, so giving. He moved to the side and pushed her onto her back.

  Raven moved his hand to her jeans and lowered the zipper before he slipped his hand into her panties. She shuddered. Finding her hot and wet, he inserted a finger into her depths. He pushed in with a second finger and pressed against her possessively. She came in a rush, crying out his name as he caressed her.

  Damn, she was beautiful. Her face flushed, her eyes glazed with passion, she collapsed, weak from her orgasm. But he wasn’t finished with her.

  As Cara looked at him through half-lowered lids, he kissed her abdomen and her stomach. Pushing the robe from her shoulders, he lifted her and removed her bra. Laying her down, he worked his way down her ribs, licking and tasting. He removed her jeans and panties. Finally, she was na
ked before him, her hair spread out on the pillow. He paused in appreciation, before he ripped off his T-shirt and tore off his jeans. He couldn’t wait to get inside her, to claim what was his.

  But first he had to taste her. He took her other nipple into his mouth and sucked it. He gave it the same attention he had the first. Cara moaned her encouragement, grabbing his head and holding him in place. Then, he kissed his way down her abdomen, paying attention to each rib and dip before narrowing in on the dark curls between her legs. He ran his tongue through her slit, and she gasped. She tasted sweet and dark. He licked again, and then he pushed his tongue inside her to lick and torment and tease.

  “Oh God, Raven. You’re killing me.” She was so hot and wet. She pushed up against his mouth.

  He laid his arm across her to hold her still as he ate at her. She tasted so good, and he hummed his pleasure as he continued to stroke her with his tongue. He felt her tighten and knew she was close to coming again. Her head thrashed on the pillow, her murmured pleas ringing in his ears.

  He replaced his tongue with a finger, lightly teasing her as he moved up to enter her. Lifting her hips with his hands, he aligned himself and plunged deep inside her wet depths. He pulled out and stroked again, taking her higher as she trembled and whimpered beneath him.

  Again and again, he plumbed her depths, until he felt both of them teeter on the edge. The Shadow symbols on their chests glowed between them, becoming brighter and hotter with each caress.

  He pulled out till just the head of his shaft remained in her, and then sank deep, hitting her womb. He reached down and flicked at her clit. Cara exploded, screaming his name, taking him with her as she flew apart. Her body milked him until he had spilled everything he was into her.